Monday, October 15, 2007

My Frienzzz!!

Shmera apofasisa na ek8eiasw tous kaluterous m filous (oswn exw tis fwtos dld)... aplws 8elw na tous kanw gnwstous sto diadiktuo.... k 8a to kanw....(xaxaxaxaxaxaxa,tremete...)

3ekiname me thn kollhtoula m, Elina,h Elinations, h Mansondoc, h 3an8opseira, h polu apla Barbie Fairytopia... Einai to pio sick atomo pou exw gnwrisei,fanatikh me tn Manson, kata ta legomena ths satani (kai sokaristria sthn autosxedia airesh "to kalesma tou Mhda"....Einai shopaholic,se shmeio manias,kalogousth k erwteumenh me ka8eti designato, o3u8umh,zhleiarogato (k as mhn to paradexetai) k panemorfh (k an exei kaneis antirrish as thn ekfrasei na gelasoume)...Mhn 3exname thn emfuth klish ths pros to xoro....

Sunexizoume me th Maria,h Marouli,h Marouliticious,h L.A.M.O. (oriste,to pa!), h opoia einai mia trelokamperw, gkriniara,euais8htoula,mia romantikh upar3h pou sth fwto thn exei dei Zizel... Einai glukeia k xaritwmenh (kamia sxesh me thn Elina dld) k polu,polu,polu kollhmenh me enan (gaioula-sry) apo ena ispaniko sugkrothma pou ekane emfanish sth Eurovision (an einai dunaton)... A,nai,leei oti einai k eristikh (auto an 8eloume to pisteuoume...)

Seira exei h Efh,h alliws Liontaraki,h Lionking,h aplws afana (m eklepse ton titlo),h opoia einai glukeia, FYTOYKLAS, foverh filh k latreuei to "Didumoteixo blues" (hihi)... Monimh proektash tou xeriou ths to thlefwno,h megaluterh agaph tou OTE (ths exoun sthsei aggalma e3w apo to ktirio tous).... Ante k kalh antamwsh...(3ereis esu!! :P)

Next, Elena, h leniw,h touloumpaki.... Dn ths krataw kakia pou me parathse sthn Korelko k phge diakopes,enw egw pa8aina kriseis me ta "lucifer's children"... Einai poluuuuuuuuuuuuu nerd (me thn kalh ennoia panta) k dikaiouxos 3 apousiologiwn (na ta 100sthsei ths euxomaste)... To kalutero paidi (kuiolektika)

Phgainontas ston andriko plh8usmo, k logw elleipshs fwtografiwn (ta koritsia einai polu pio pro8uma montela), dn 8a deite polla,mono ta pl vasika...Exoume k leme:

O kollhtos m (h aderfos m) o Kwstas,h alliws Smith kata koinh omologia,h polu apla MAO (xaxaxaxaxa,dn mporousa na antista8w na to pw!! :P)... Dikh tou prwth agaph k pantotinh (san th lacta love it) einai h ki8ara,ta solo's, oi tamplatoures k h polu,polu,polu omws mousikh... Einai top filos,pistos k agaphsiarikos san skulaki, dn 8a se prodwsei pote (o kaluteros filos tou an8rwpou meta tn Rex) :::

Afou vrhka th fwto tou eipa na mhn tn afhsw paraponemeno (eimai paneutuxhs pou dn vlepei to blog m)... Kwstas,h Goofy,h Doofy, h Moulhs.... TO paidi, m exei ftia3ei th dia8esh apeires fores (les k tn anagkaze kaneis), me exei anextei akoma perissoteres k prepei na omologhsw oti einai apisteuta volikos gia protimhsa polles fores (k o kahmenos dn gkrinia3e pote- ti travaei k autos)...

Last,but (certainly) not least,kapoios pou arneitai na vgalei tn eauto s sto internet (oxi san emas tis pswnares...),k etc tn evgala egw! Dn ginetai re c ale3 na stereis apo tn gunaikeio plh8usmo thn parousia s!! 9to ennow,dn se douleuw!).... Ale3 loipon, my great love...Autos k an exei anextei ta pandeina me thn trelh pou exei mple3ei...

Autes einai loipon oi megales m adunamies, enas shmantikos logos gia na eimai xaroumenh... LOVE YA ALL!!! mwa!


Virgil said...

Koita na deis,yparxei k mia kali m fwto...(ektos apo ekeini p ebgale o Alex xwris na to 3erw sto spiti tou zab...)Pantws mporouses na anafereis oti "pernaw" oti k oi alloi se meses akres(dn 3erw an ta pernaw pio poly kairo alla "isxyei"...:P)

Angels and devils said...

L.A.M.O!!xairomai p dn t!tespa,eskasa mlm st gelia m aut p exeis grapsei g tn efh...haha!!xrusan8emaki m eisai pl pl pl pl glukouli[asxeto an dn s fainetai..lmao]

VampireHeart said...

Virgil,na m th steileis... egw authn exw k tn evgala k sto hi5!! :P... dandel,egw dn 3exnaw tpt... k xairomai pou dn m fainetai!!

Dead Winter Dead said...

nice one..!anyway glad i am back there....kai exw mpleksei me th pio autarxikh(know u like being called like that) para trelh kopela sto kosmo....!glad you are my crazy girlfriend thought....!

VampireHeart said...

egw autarxikh?? egw? nai 3erw eimai "xontrh gria k asxhmh,autarxikh k egwistria".... poses fores to exw akousei auto??